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* The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

* The Voyagers II the secret of Amenti Ashayana Deane

* The Angelic Realities Ashayana Deane

* Dream Healer his Name is Adam

* Dream Healer 2 a guide to healing and self-empowerment Adam

* The path of the Dream Healer the quantum world of energy healing Adam

* Intention Heals a guide and workbook Adam

* Living in the Heart Drunvalo Melchizedek

* The Reconnection Dr. Eric Pearl

* Quantum DNA Healing Althea S. Hawk

* Before we Leave Patricia Cori

* The New Sirian Revelations Patricia Cori

* Metatron, This is the Clarion Call R. Mackenzie

* The Alchemist Paulo Coelho

* Aleph Paulo Coelho

* A recipe for Bliss Kriya Yoga for a New Millenium Carl Schmidt

* Starseed Awakening CD Patricia Cori

* The Complete conversation with God Neale Donald Walsch

* Prayers to the Great Creator Julia Cameron

* The Great Master Toby Alexander

* Anna, Grandmother of Jesus Clair Heartsong

* Anna, The voice of the Magdalenes Claire Heartsong & Catherine Ann Clemett

* The Sophia Code Kaia Ra

* Crystal Goddess 888 Alana Fairchild

* Divine Alchemy Patricia Cota-Robles

* The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook Amorah Quan Yin

* Pleiadian principle for living Christine Day

* St Germain on Alchemy Formulas for Self-Transformation Prophet

* The Kuan Yin Transmission Alana Fairchild 

* Crystal Stars 11.11 Alana Fairchild

* How to read the Akashic Records Linda Howe

* The Violet Flame Patricia Cota-Robles

* The Archangel Guide to Ascension Diana Cooper & Tim Whild

* Toltec The Four Agreement Don Miguel Ruiz




** Memoires D'Orion Rosanna Narducci & Marc M. Vallee

** Feminin Sacre Actualise Lise Cote

** La Villa des Miracles Alain Williamson

** Le Chamane d'Ek-Balam Alain Williamson

** Les Cinq Codes d'Eveil le retour de l'energie du coeur Alain Williamson




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